Monday, August 23, 2010

Lol IDS today. Guilee random keep on taking pictures during the lecture.... Physics lecture first, then bio. And then break. After break was math lecture and then some very short chemistry lecture. Then we went into our groups to discuss some stuff. And then we went to the classrooms. Omg we were released like 30mins early lah! :D So cool right. But on the way back to class I tripped down the stairs T.T I don't know if I sprained my ankle or not ._. it hurts a lot. When I was eating i received a call from Jon telling me to go up asap and help him with the LEP thing. Then we handed it in and we got 5/5! :DDD Me and jon too pro alr :D I wonder why I actually went for training when I injured my foot/ankle. Anyway i went there and used the paddling machine for like almost 20mins O.O then i went to do cycling i thing. Or was it the rowing machine? O: Can't remember >.< Then after that Cher arrived. I was using the paddling machine again at that time >.< Paddle for how long alr I forgot O: Then he corrected my strokes. Cher told us that we must do 3 sets of 2km paddling before we can go home O: Omg the sec 1s paddle so slow lah. Me and qingzhou went up to the gym and we saw the JC team and Yifan+Keefe there. We stoned at the entrance waiting for the woman to collect our ezlink cards and all she did was stand at the weights there flirting with some weightlifter -.- In the end we decided to dao her and just go in. After doing some pull ups we went back to cardio and waited for the people to finish paddling so we can start. Omg my 1km paddling so slow lah! 1st set i did was like 7mins plus minus a bit. Second set was like 5.29. 22 seconds behind Bojun! O: Then we were released and I went home. Oh on the bus I had the Yifan aura and people didnt want to sit/stand near me >.< Then I went to cut my hair. Omg now its so short now lah. I hate haircheck!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Garhzxc omg. My finger isn't getting any better :/ To make it worse i have 3 tests tomorrow O: Math, IS and Chinese common test .___. I thought only could have 2 tests a day maximum one. I want complain O: I damn scared math O: Go macau for 1 week and miss so many lessons. I DONT WANT GET LAST IN CLASS AGAIN OMG!!!! Need to mug liao O:

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Dragonboat training with NJC today :D But it was in the afternoon so me and zamen had to go for tuition in the morning O: Omg the morning class damn little people go lah. Excluding the both of us only got 5 people O.O After tuition we still had some time so we went to macs and ate :3 While we were eating some random woman sitting at the table next to us asked me to help her translate some messages from english to chinese for her o.o and then she asked me to help her reply to the messages. After i was done she said if i hadn't ordered yet she would have treated me O: Wasted :/ Then after we were done eating we went around in bugis junction looking at things. The adidas there was moving away O: but there was a 10% discount off all items and an extra 5% discount off items with discount already. Then the upper body tight which cost like $50+ became $32.50! Omg so cheap lah. I wanted to buy but got only 1 size x.x Then after that we went to training. When we were there it was raining so Mr Yong, Mr Quek and the NJC teacher took us for a run to the national stadium to do excercises. When we were there, we did some stretching and then we split into two groups: Sec 1s and NJC girls, and the others, mainly the HCI sec 2,3,4 and the NJC guys were in the other. Mr Quek led us for a run around the stadium, and we stopped halfway to do 50 squats and 50 push ups. Then we did lunges for quite some time before running back. After we arrived, we did some stretching and then we took our paddles and practiced the new stroke that Mr Kho had taught us. We practiced for some time before we ran back to SDBA. After that me and Keloysius went to the wrong place and caused everyone to be unable to launch x.x I was taking the boat with the NJC girls and the sec 1s and Wenle. The NJC girls stroke rate so slow x.x Junius say my stroke rate too fast then the girl behind me kept on whacking my paddle x.x After we were done paddling we carried the dragonboat back onto the trolley and put it at the dragonboat nursery. Then we went back to wash our equipment and do some pullups. Then we went home :D Oh and while i was paddling i hit my thumb against the dragonboat so it started bleeding again ._.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Went training today. Damn fun :D But i almost cut my right thumb nail into half O: Got cut by the slalom ._. Was bleeding throughout training :x After doing some long distance race cher taught us some new strokes :D New was of turning the boat faster etc :D and he demonstrated how to rescue ourselves if we capsize in a slalom. Then after playing around with the strokes for some time he made us do capsize drill and self rescue and go back to shore. Last few get punishment x.x When Qingzhou self rescued already Mr Yong saw him and asked "Qingzhou why you never jump off arh?" and he made qingzhou jump off again lmao. After we arrived at shore cher made us empty 2 boats five times each before we could bring the boats back to wash. While we washing boats Mr Yong told us to go wear our shoes and get ready for a run and to let the support team wash the boats. We ran across Nicoll Highway for 5 or 6 times, and while we were waiting for the slower runners we did squats and calve raises. Omg when i reach home my leg muscles all aching x.x Need to do work alr O: posting tmr about tmr's dragonboat training! :D