Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Maycomb map

Monday, March 1, 2010

Which character would you want to play in the movie version of the novel? Explain.

I would want to play Atticus Finch in the movie version of the novel. This is because Atticus is an upright character who upholds his values and morals a lot, and tries his best to follow them. He thinks that if he does not follow his values and morals, he is not fit to be Jem and Scout’s father. He also does what he thinks is right, no matter what happens, just like in the Tom Robinson case, where he still defends Tom Robinson even though the whole town had turned against him because they were racist, and thought that Atticus is a nigger-lover. They insulted him and his children, but he still wanted to defend Tom Robinson. When Scout or Jem cannot take the insults that people throw at them and they lose their temper and do something rash, he would scold them and tell them to control themselves, and tell them to ignore all the insults. Atticus is also very humble, and does not like to boast about his talents, instead prefers to hide them. Atticus was once called “One-Shot Finch” for being the best shooter in town, and would hit his target within one shot. If he had missed one of the targets, he would complain about wasting his ammunition. He never told his children about it until they found out about it from Maudie Atkinson after the Tim Johnson incident. Atticus was also the best checker player in the town, and he could beat everyone on both sides of the river back at Finch Landing. Despite all these talents that he has, he never told them to his children and they thought that he was a very boring person.

Task I

My learning profile has kinaesthetic as the highest, followed by intrapersonal, then visual/spatial, musical, interpersonal, logical, naturalistic, and finally linguistic. I find that having kinaesthetic as the highest is not surprising, as it was the highest in the previous profiling tests that I did. I find that having intrapersonal and visual/spatial as my second and third highest are quite surprising, as they were usually one of the bottom few in the previous profiling tests. I was surprised when I saw that logical was one of my bottom three, as I am usually quite good in mathematics, and it used to be in the top three of the results of my profiling tests, not the bottom three.